‘सआदत हसन मंटो‘ द्वारा लिखी गयी मौसम की शरारत आपको लेखक के साथ प्रकृति की खूबसूरत सैर करवाएगी जहाँ मौसम लेखक के दिल और दिमाग के साथ कुछ शरारत कर किसी की तरफ आकर्षित करता है | पर क्या वह आकर्षण सैर के साथ ख़तम हो जाएगा या हमेशा के लिये वह सिलसिला चलता रहेगा ? 🙂
Hello People, hope everyone is safe, doing good and smiling. 🙂
Days, weeks & months are passing and we are still understanding what each day is getting for us. When we think about it there is so much going around but still amongst all this we have to find faith and believe that everything is gonna be okay. We need to be respectful and kind towards each other and definitely that would make our goings much easier. So here praying for all of you that everyone comes out of this stronger and healthier.
“लिली” सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ द्वारा लिखी गयी है| जानिये पद्मा और राजेन की कहानी , जो भावनाओं, प्यार और परिवार के बीच झूझ रही हैं| अपनी भावनाएं एक दूसरे के लिये जानते हुए भी क्या वो मिल पाएंगे , क्या उनके प्यार को वह मंज़िल मिल पाएगी जिसकी उन्हें तलाश है या राजेन को अपना प्यार लिली में मिल जाएगा ?
Hope everyone is safe, doing good and smiling. As promised I am here again with a new story after a week, yes that’s right this time it’s not months or an year but a week 😀 and it will continue to be so and I hope you also will continue to be with me in this beautiful world of stories. We had Father’s Day last Sunday, though everyday is Father’s or Mother’s Day but I hope you would have had a good time celebrating it because the only thing we all need is a celebration small or big. 🙂
सहपाठी एक खूबसूरत लघु कथा है जो सत्यजीत रे द्वारा लिखी गयी है , इस कहानी में कुछ भूली हुई स्कूल की दोस्ती के बारे में कहा गया है जो शायद हम ताउम्र कभी नहीं भूल पाते | ये कहानी है मोहित और जय की जो ३० साल बाद एक दूसरे से मिलते हैं पर क्या वे एक दूसरे में उस सहपाठी को फिर से ढूँढ पाएंगे |
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Hello Everyone. How is everyone doing? I know the last 3 months have been quite difficult and challenging for all of us. Corona has left us with finding new norms in our lives and as it still continues it requires a lot of discipline, patience & positivity from us. So, I am here again. Yes again I know you must be thinking how many times & after how many breaks this will be again & again 🙂 But this time with a promise to be with you every Friday with new stories, new emotions so that we all can smile together, and come over these difficult times.
कहानियाँ भाव दर्शाने का एक बहुत अच्छा माद्धम है | “एक छोटा सा मज़ाक” कथावाचक और नादिया के कुछ अन कहे जज़्बातों की कहानी है जिसमें अंत में आप पाएंगे की कैसे और कहाँ उनकी कहानी कुछ बिना कहे सुने दो अलग मोड़ पर ख़तम हुई |
Naya Saal Aap sabko mubarak ho! Happy new year. After a long hiatus in sharing any stories, I am back! Apologies for taking forever to come up with a new episode. I was just a little lost in the last year trying to juggle too many things. But I am glad that I could find the courage to come back and reconnect with all of my listeners. Hopefully, they have not completely given up on me! This technically, should have been the 6th episode but I had to take down the earlier 5th episode with a story by Nikhil Sachan due to some technical issue. Also, I made promises in that episode that I miserably failed to keep. Will reshare the story in sometime.
“Kahani Jaani Anjaani” is a podcast journey that started in April 2016 with no intentions of being more than a side project that I can use to share stories in Hindi. It was a small attempt to encourage me to read more hindi stories/text and at the same time encourage others to join in. Back then, I never imagined that I would like to take this forward with more episodes and take it more seriously.
1.5yrs later, the podcast has just about 3 episodes with 4th one released today. But it’s not a forgotten side-project anymore. I hope that it grows to become a platform for discovering stories and writers both new and old in Hindi language. I am working on ensuring that I can take this podcast more seriously and devote time to improve my skills of storytelling along with connecting with a lot of like-minded people. This post hopefully marks a milestone of this podcast where it promises to become a bi-weekly affair and a season of 12 episodes!
Today marks the end of my journey at MindTree and brings back memories of the days gone by. Though officially its been a little more than 3yrs of my association with the organization but deep in my heart I know, its a relationship that will stay with me for my life. The lessons learnt, the friends made and the memories acquired will give me the strength to face challenges ahead. Though it feels like I have lived a lifetime in the organization, my heart still whispers…”this is not the end…”
“…A Difficult Goodbye but it’s Time for me to FLY… ”
Here are few of the tons of memories I will treasure all my life!
Lalu’s Love Song for Rabri
“Humka Sirf Toehse Pyaar Hai…!!!”
Naaraz kyun ho Jaaneman?
Hum boore(old) par dil abhi bhi jawaan hai.
Pyaar tohka itna kare ki…
Haazir kadmo par hamar naahi, tu ziski bole uski jaan hai!!
Ek tu hi hamar pyaar hai,
Baaki sab toh mulli, fali aur jawaar hai.
Tori figure ka deewana saara Bihar hai,
Humka bus toehse pyaar hai….
Tu jab tambaku chabae hai,
Humka lage bholi bhali gae hai.
Jab bidi ka dhua urae hai,
Aisa lage thandi mai garmi dilae hai!
Life’s too comfy? Time to break out!
I do believe that I am saying this but saying this while feeling it is for the 1st time. I may sound random in the following paras cause I am just putting down in words whats going on in my head, and let me warn this might not read like a great story. But who cares, I don’t claim to be a writer and neither this piece is meant for literary awards. Its just to share a piece of me, a NOW me..
So before I get too random and you conclude that I am drunk let me tell you what I have realized. “Life should never get too comfortable, too predictable and too happy. When things go your way, they happen the way you meant them to be, they should stop before you reach a point where only they matter. If you do reach that level, time for you to break out!! If you don’t break out, sooner or later life will screw you.”
Since childhood we are taught to always respect what others want & keep others in our life in mind when we make decisions & always do what makes us happy!! But we are too much interested in the bowl of ice-cream kept in front of us to give it a little thought. We just nod our heads and do what seems our birth right(i am talking about the ice-cream), never thinking even once what we are being taught with those treats are so-so contradicting and should have those small *(star)s above them which says conditions apply!
Bloody Business – Flash Fiction
The job was done. Like always, everything had gone perfect. The contract objective fulfilled, no eyewitnesses or proof left behind. But unlike always, Sam was not rejoicing with Brad. He seemed to be lost in deep thought and disturbed. Finally, Brad had to step up and break the intolerable silence.
“So where should we party tonight?”, Brad asked sending out a puff of cigarette smoke.
Sam gave him a look of disgust and said, “Party? For what? For killing the innocent and laughing at the helpless…”
“Whoa! Whoa! Sammy, chill. This is not the first time we did this. We are contract killers and this is our damn business. And remember business involves no emotions, specially ours! So cool down…and enjoy another success.”
“Success? That women was not in the contract then why her? She was pregnant damn it…”, saying this he shivered and a tear rolled down his cheek, “…and I did not even think twice before pumping that bullet in her.”
“We could not afford to leave an eyewitness back. And anyways, it was her fate man!”, Brad said coolly letting out another puff.
“Then why was her fate destined through my hands? I can’t bear the pain Brad. I want you to…”, he hesitated.