My Bak-bak

Solar Eclipse and Food!

So we all witnessed the Solar Eclipse today! Din we?

Well if you are shaking your head in disagreement, then you missed something. I know an eclipse happens every year and its not like you have missed a life-time opportunity. But still think of it in this way, supporting such a thinking process how many eclipses you must have missed in your lifetime.. The simple thing is one should always try and enjoy whatever happens around…

Solar Eclipse - Demo Pic

Btw…I am loading you with so much of philosophy only because I witnessed the Solar Eclipse this time…and now that I have witnessed it, I will simply ignore the umpteen number of times I have missed it. But that only because its me.. 😛 (I should stop before someone hits me!)

The eclipse looked amazing. The sun was partially covered when I witnessed it but I could see the ring forming. It looked so divine and all of a sudden my imagination took me through several movies where they show an eclipse…I imagined myself standing in the deserts of Egypt…in a different era and the Eclipse will open doors to many a hidden secrets! But it din take me long to come back to reality thanks to the only UV glasses being shared among everyone at my Office! They wanted the glasses…. 🙁

Having lost the chance to go ahead with my imagination I walked away. Well that wasn’t the only reason

My Thoughts

Whats in your BackPack?

“What’s in your BackPack?” – This is what George Clooney questions all in the movie “Up in the Air” and gets himself proved wrong by the end!

Clooney says we carry a lot of weight in our backpacks…house, office, cars, property, etc….so many materialistic things which slows us down and doesn’t let us enjoy the luxuries life can provide. Even worse when we replace these materialistic things with relationships. The backpack gets way heavier…parents, siblings, wife, children, relatives, friends…all in one BackPack makes our life a back-breaking experience!! We should let all this go and live life at our terms. Feel light…live light!
Whats in your Backpack?

As Clooney gets proved how wrong this theory is in terms of people, relationships and life, how he is just another man scared of responsibilities, I realized the “backpack” theory isn’t that wrong afterall.. Its all about what you fill your backpack with…

Stepping away from Clooney, the movie and whatever they wanted to say…here’s my version of the backpack theory..

You have a backpack…now fill this backpack with moments that have caused pain in your life. Fill it up with those people, relationships, memories that have become past and only remind you how wrong things went. Fill it up with all the mins, hours, days lost in crying over it. Time went in asking yourself Why me? Why did this happen? Why didn’t it last? Was it even worth me? Fill it up with the people who have hurt you, broken your trust and taken you for granted. The hours of wait which tended to reap nothing… The tears that never stopped flowing…

My Writings

The Perfect Gift – A Short Story

Sitting in my plush office, going through regular data sheets & performance charts, I wasn’t feeling too good. It was not business that was troubling me….

office work

8.28pm , gleamed the digital clock at my desk. Something was not right. No, it wasn’t the time. This was something that did not happen everyday and I was hoping that everything was fine. The same question kept popping up again and again in my mind, “Why hasn’t dad called today?”

It was not that I enjoyed his calls (which came on a daily basis and that too when I am busy). But then when am I not busy! My business was soaring high and I did not have a minute to spare for anything else. Came office early in the morning and was up working till late. Prachi, my wife, worked as a teacher in a prestigious institution and was out most of the day. Back at home, we had a servant looking after my Dad’s needs.

It was not that I did not Love him. I had taken care of all his requirements. Since his retirement and mom’s death, I have always tried to keep him happy. And I guess I was successful in doing so. Attending his meaning less calls was also a part of the mission. I wanted him to feel that he was important. Wanted him to feel? I mean he is important. I did love him. But it was just his calls, sometimes even thrice a day that irritated me.

His conversation usually started off with “Hi son! What are you doing?” and then was followed by simple household problems like the geyser is not working or the fence needs a new coat of paint. Sometimes, he even discussed sports! India’s current performance in cricket, Sania’s power-swing and how he scored a goal today playing football with kids in the park. I patiently listened to all this and tried to enjoy what he was saying.

why hasnt he called yet

But today was something different. He had not called in even once. Oh! Don’t know why am I thinking so much over this matter. Maybe dad did not have anything interesting to discuss today, which is surprising though.

I thought instead of worrying over this it would be better if I checked my daily mail. I entered my login id and password. Just then the phone rang.

I am Piyush

Nothing up Yet! Y? Read away…

Hi…I am Piyush Agarwal currently @ Bangalore…and finally I did setup wordpress on this web address which I bought 5 months back from another guy who was running a Matrimonial Site on this one!! (how lame!!).. Well whatever, it took me 5months to kick myself into hosting a blog engine…I hope it doesn’t take me long in making a good use of it!! 😛

In short, you must have guessed something about me..

I Am Lazzzzyy….like doing things at my own pace and hate planning!! Also in my conversation I use “…” a lot which does not mean that I do not have clarity of thoughts…but I am used to taking pauses…at the right places..!! 😀

Well…for the time being, by-the-time I get myself into the blog posting mode here, if you are interested in knowing about tech stuff the non-techie way, head to my other blog

See you around…and if you can encourage(read as bully) me to get started here…do post a comment! Love meeting new people…so strangers are welcome too.

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