Hello People, hope everyone is safe, doing good and smiling. 🙂
Days, weeks & months are passing and we are still understanding what each day is getting for us. When we think about it there is so much going around but still amongst all this we have to find faith and believe that everything is gonna be okay. We need to be respectful and kind towards each other and definitely that would make our goings much easier. So here praying for all of you that everyone comes out of this stronger and healthier.
“लिली” सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ द्वारा लिखी गयी है| जानिये पद्मा और राजेन की कहानी , जो भावनाओं, प्यार और परिवार के बीच झूझ रही हैं| अपनी भावनाएं एक दूसरे के लिये जानते हुए भी क्या वो मिल पाएंगे , क्या उनके प्यार को वह मंज़िल मिल पाएगी जिसकी उन्हें तलाश है या राजेन को अपना प्यार लिली में मिल जाएगा ?
What’s special about today’s story?
Today’s story speaks about the beautiful emotion called “love” 🙂 & it once again reminds us that though these stories have been written decades ago but the emotions & circumstances have remained the same. Padma and Rajen know their feelings for each other but are struggling between family & career. Rajen had to go to foreingn land for his studies, so they had to be separated from each other for some time, will this separation end their love story? Will Padma move ahead in life? Will Rajen find his Padma in someone called Lily ? Enjoy listening to “Lily” to know all the answers.

“Lily” is written by Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’. He is known as the first modern Hindi Poet Of India. His writings were unconventional, not figments of imagination but spoke about true incidents, and different in essence. He lost his mother, wife & daughter very early in his life which left him devastated. His poem “Saroj Smriti” dedicated to his daughter was one among his best poems.Though his early education was done in Bengali medium but he got a good hold of Hindi, English & Sanskrit as well.
To know more about him you can visit his wikipedia page or can refer to About Suryakant Tripathi Nirala
Listed are a few famous books from him.
Parimal – Amazon.in
Mahabharat – Amazon.in
A Life Misspent – Amazon.in
Anamika – Amazon.in
You can find more books & plays from Satyajit Ray at
Amazon.in Suryakant Tripathi Nirala
Link to today’s story Lily
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