Kahani Jaani Anjaani

एक और इंसान (अनुराग शर्मा )- Kahani Jaani Anjaani Podcast – Episode 12

Kahani Jaani Anjaani is a Hindi Stories podcast series narrated by Piyush Agarwal.

एक और इंसान” कहानी अनुराग शर्मा जी द्वारा कही गयी है| ये कहानी लेखक या कहिये हम सबके उन भावों को हमसे रूबरू करवाती है जिसमें हम सब सोचने को मज़बूर हो जाएंगे कि कई बार एक इंसान को दूसरे इंसान से सिर्फ पैसों की ही नहीं बल्कि सिर्फ एक इंसान और इंसानियत की ज़रूरत होती है|

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What’s special about today’s story?
Today’s story speaks about one of the weird emotions of humans which is whether to help someone in need or not. Yeah, so how many of us have noticed people at traffic lights, people coming to shops/offices to ask for monetary donations. Though sometimes we completely believe them but due to some unpleasant incident where you would have felt cheated, next time onwards you become more conscious while offering help to others. I would say because of few people at times people more in need get ignored. This story will leave you with a thought that every time it’s not about money, but sometimes a human just needs another human and humanity. 

Anurag Sharma is a bilingual poet, a story writer and a thinker. Besides poetry, essays, and fiction, he enjoys writing about information technology, project management and other related topics also. Anurag has been instrumental in podcasting over 300 short stories, and Vinoba Bhave’s lectures on Gita in four languages and has hosted audio programs. He has been interviewed on radio in India, USA and Japan.
To know more about him visit Anurag Sharma

Listed are a few famous books from him.

Chhotee See Baat  –
Paanch Kahaniyaan –
You can find more books from him at Anurag Sharma

Link to today’s story Ek Aur Insaan

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