‘सती‘ शिवानी जी द्वारा लिखी गयी एक दिलचस्प कहानी है जिसमें आप मिलेंगे ट्रैन में सफर करती 4 औरतों से , जो बातों द्वारा एक दूसरे तब ज़्याद घुल मिल जाती है जब उनमें से एक यह बताती हैं कि वो अगले दिन अपने पत्ति के साथ सत्ती होने वाली हैं | पर क्या वह सच में सत्ती होंगी या उन्हें कोई रोक लेगा या कहानी किसी और ही मोड़ पर मुड़ जायेगी | जानने के लिये सुनिए ये दिलचस्प कहानी और बन जाइये इस सफर का हिस्सा|
What’s special about today’s story?
Today’s story Sati written by Shivani will take us on a train ride with 4 women, who all have their own set of agendas in life but one among them wants to follow Sati Pratha & get Sati with her husband but after this train ride will anyone would be able to stop her from doing so or the story take an unexpected turn or will we see someone getting Sati in today’s era? All these questions will be answered in this twisted ride, So Enjoy the ride.
Shivani was one of the most popular hindi story writers. She has presented Kumaoni culture in her writings, Kumaon is a mountain region in north India. She wrote mainly about women. Shivani has studied in Rabindranath Tagore’s Visva Bharati University at Shantiniketan, she calls those 9 years the best period of her life.
To know more about her you can read here Gaura Pant (Shivani)
Chaudah Phere – Amazon.in
Aparajita – Amazon.in
Bhairavee – Amazon.in
Link to today’s story – Sati
You can find more books from her at – Shivani Amazon.in
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