Kahani Jaani Anjaani

Kahani Jaani Anjaani Podcast – Episode 4 – Dor

“Kahani Jaani Anjaani” is a podcast journey that started in April 2016 with no intentions of being more than a side project that I can use to share stories in Hindi. It was a small attempt to encourage me to read more hindi stories/text and at the same time encourage others to join in. Back then, I never imagined that I would like to take this forward with more episodes and take it more seriously.
1.5yrs later, the podcast has just about 3 episodes with 4th one released today. But it’s not a forgotten side-project anymore. I hope that it grows to become a platform for discovering stories and writers both new and old in Hindi language. I am working on ensuring that I can take this podcast more seriously and devote time to improve my skills of storytelling along with connecting with a lot of like-minded people. This post hopefully marks a milestone of this podcast where it promises to become a bi-weekly affair and a season of 12 episodes! 


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