प्रेमचंद जी द्वारा लिखी गयी कहानी विमाता, मातृ प्रेम को दर्शाती है | जब मुन्नू अपनी माँ को खो देता है तब उसकी ज़िंदगी में अम्बा आती है जो अपना सब कुछ मुन्नू की देख भाल में लगा देती है पर क्या अम्बा माँ के साथ जुड़े सौतेले शब्द को हटा पाएगी और क्या उसकी ममता हमेशा मुन्नू के साथ बानी रहेगी| जानने के लिये सुनिए मुन्नू और अम्बा की कहानी |
What’s special about today’s story?
Today’s story Vimata depicts selfless love of a mother & the emotions of a child when he gets unexpected love pouring from his step mother. This is the story of Munnu and Amba, where Munnu lost his mother and then Amba comes into his life giving away all her love to take care of Munnu. But will this love remain forever with Munnu?
About Our Guest – Nidhi Bansal

Nidhi Bansal is an acclaimed poetess having written and published both in Hindi & English. Being also the Editor for Anuragyam emagazine heading the Art Department and Hindi House, Assistant editor onboard “Literary Mirror”. Nidhi has also performed in Literature festivals, India International Center and on various other platforms. She has her own youtube channel “OorjaNidhi” for poetry and yoga and is available on Your quotes apps. Having acclaimed a number of poetry competitions and also given voice overs in All India Radio. She also is a news anchor on YouTube. With International publications under her belt and had won a fifth position in All India public speaking contest held recently and been a proud semi-finalist in coveted “Indian Iconic Poets 2”. She has also been a finalist in Mrs India Universal.
Here is link to her youtube channel – Oorja Nidhi Youtube
About Author – Munshi Premchand

Vimata is written by Munshi Premchand. Whenever we talk about hindi stories it’s incomplete without the name of Munshi Premchand. Premchandji has written many novels and stories in hindi and urdu. In his childhood he took the job at a book wholesaler so he can spend more time with the books. He was famous for his modern Hindustani literature. His real name was Dhanpat Rai Shrivastava , he used Premchand as his pen name.
Listed are a few famous books from him –
Godan – Amazon.in
Pratigya – Amazon.in
Sevasadan – Amazon.in
Karmbhumi – Amazon.in
Link to today’s story – Vimata
You can find more books from Premchand at Premchand Amazon.in
Don’t forget to share your reviews either on the sites, in comments or directly drop me an email. Have any story in mind which you would like to listen to? Please write to us at hello@piyushagarwal.com.
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